The government ought to bill the DNC for the hurting they put on our country. Too bad there is no option to recover personally from flagrantly abusive politicians like Brandon and Cackles… if they were corporate directors, there would be. Confiscating the Biden Crime Family’s offshore accounts and any estates purchased with illegal income.would be appropriate punishment.

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Agree. It is criminal what they have done to our country. What sane leader would allow their own country to be invaded? But again, they don't care about the people - and they sure as heck don't have love of country. All they care about is money and power. By flying illegals to every state and allowing them access to taxpayer-funded welfare (free everything - you're welcome!) it ensures they will remain dependent upon the Democrat party (the free stuff party) and forever vote democrat.

We believe there are upwards of 20 - 30 million illegals here under Biden's single term. If Cackles wins, all of them will be granted citizenship and voting rights for the next election cycle. She then will admit 20 - 30 million or more, and so on. Pretty soon, the illegal vote will out-number votes from citizens. Too many will be totally dependent on government programs and will vote democrat for endless handouts and freebies. And so, we will turn from capitalist to communist, thereby ushering in single-party rule here in America.

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